The Address Book was implemented in Minkowsky for three reasons:
- To have a company (group) wide common basis of addresses
- To invite external people to appointments managed by Minkowsky.
If their e mail address is listed in Minkowsky's address book you
can send them invitations and reminders like any to other.
- Last not least: supplying a company (group) wide system of memo pads for contact
Hence anyone (sufficient previlegues (?????) assumed) can inform him/herself on what has been
discussed with a particular address.
There are to kinds of objects in the address book
- Addresses and
- Address folder
Addresses are always within one or another (address) folder.
If not assigned to one folder any address is automatically assigned to
the "root" folder called address book.
BTW: This folder is the only folder which can't be delete.
You can sub folders to unlimited depth. However if you are on
the 100th Level Minkowsky may slow down a bit.
Addresses themselves not only contain the address information but also
a memo pad. Likewise address folders have their own memo pad.
Minkowsky can display the memos from folders and addresses
merged into virtually one memo pad.
Memos on address folders might be useful
if the folder represents some other company.
Hence you might add all memos not specific to a particular contact within
the company to the folders memo pad)